The next part of the process is to build and set up the set pieces ,these are walls that can be re-arranged and cut up after the main scene is shot. All of the shots required the wall pieces in some way. The sets contain the following elements that will move and create movement in the shot.
2 x gantry cranes,these overhead gantry cranes are sprayed yellow and are a large horizontal feature on the sets,especially the main scene
3 x winches ,these handy winches are built from 12 v motors from china that run at low speeds,such as 16 rpm,and slower still if the voltage is reduced,they have drums of various sizes attached to their shafts,and these will pull the assembly beds and some trilos around the set on fishing lines
1 x 7" video screen,this sreen runs mpeg 2's and acts as a 'tv' in the shots.8
8 x rc trilobites, 4 are usually on screen at any one time according to frequency restrictions
1x rotating beacon,made from a 2 euro party light
2x sea projectors,these far eastern oddities project a lovely,relaxing undersea pattern onto your cieling,they were perfect for my project ,i couldnt believe my luck ,as they were only about $20 each
welding trilobites ,are sound sensitive party lights,I replaced the coloured LEDs with white ones,and then these were attached to trilo vacc-shells,they give a nice random look to the welding,and respond well to the general sounds of people talking and other noises.
2 x bling LED belt buckles,these are scrolling LED signs you can program to display messages and signs
1 x crane,the crane was made from the martian lander robot arm in my previous project, BAD_POOL_CALLER
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