Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pavement art/Land painting

 Over the summer I purchased a heap of LED lighting strips ,each with 300 sml.e.d in a 12v chain, I vaccuformed small sockets for them,so that they would fit in old hitachi NIcad drill batteries,which are in abundance at the college..Eventually after a few indoor tests ,I took them out to the coast of clare and photographed them at a couple of locations,the coast is limestone pavement with deep dark cracks ,so I just found a couple of places to shoot them,at Fanore beach,and Doolin bay.There are a couple of Glacial boulders in the dublin wicklow mountains which would look intersting...i suppose its a matter of picking a place ,then let the light affect it.It probably looked like that once, millions..of years ago( yes i know the location is sedimentary).

A lot of shots were taken using one of the chains to 'paint' the air ,on a long exposure,i know its an overused effect but in this instance it seems to go well with the lava bed surroundings. much thanks to Joe,the man operating the lights in these shots. There are a few more locations I would like to try with these chains, I've had to reorder 10 more, half of these ones were damaged by seawater ,all the copper parts went green! The project has morphed into my large 7 segment(BIG NUMBER in the SEA) display which I'm working on at this time.

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