Monday, October 29, 2012

This is the one

Today I organised all the parts for the 1 digit ,and took it to dollymount strand to shoot it. The sunset was about 530 and this coindided with low tide,this meant the place where i want to eventually shoot the number ,was too far from the car,so i phographed it in a nearby tidal pool.
Different camera settings affect the look of the shots

The different camerasettings drastically affect the outcome ,which i like ,the sculpture affects its surroundings and is interpreted by the Camera CMOS,the foggy misty effect might be dampness or fog on the lens..but its all good.

This means i will have to organise some kind of cart to carry all the stuff to the shoreline,which was about half a kilometer from the carpark. The 1 was lighter than i thought,but this meant that it almost floated, so I'll have to get weights to keep it down.

The shoreline at dollymount.
The 1 dragged into position

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