Sunday, February 13, 2011

weekend 13 feb 11

This weekend ,i have recieved some white el wire,which i might use as flourescent tubing in the large set model, I am careful not to over use this stuff,I've already seen it in some ad on the telly.

I am also sculpting some new trilobites of different sizes, to fit on the rc cars I've ordered.

This video is a very quick version of the project,it should look something like this,I need to change the watery projection, increase the set lighting ,and therefore increase the exposure and depth of field in the lens ,but i like the general look of the piece so far.

The amphibian/fish creatures are cut outs,but the final ones will be fiberglass and large enough ,i think a creature(Eustenopteron, Tiktallik Rosae-fish with legs) would be 4-5 ft long at this scale,but i'll probably just be making the forward end ,from the midriff onward.

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