Saturday, March 26, 2011

Main shot mockup/fish mould

I Have recieved a few more things in the post,a second sea projector lamp,which seems to be stronger than the first one , 3 of the 4 rc cars arrived, I also bought a battery powered police -type beacon for a couple of quid which i will try and modify into a smaller yellow light,like what you see on JCB's etc.

Eva in my class was kind enough to give me 3 15 inch ex bank monitors which is amazing.Big thanks.

The fiberglass mould of the fish is half done.

In the main set shot it occurred to me to try and use my telly,a 37 inch lcd with a matt screen for a backprojection plate, the screen doesnt interfere with the camera , this has worked out really well ,and i'll use it in the final piece,it makes the factory floor look twice as long ,with twice as many models ,lights and signs.

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