Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Moulds/casts /beacons/ monitors

I have cast out the first fish thing from the fiberglass mould,I went very well and there is very little filling to be done,which is good because you can have some right old disasters with these molds if they arent waxed properly , i added a layer of latex to the mould flange to be sure it would separate,but he first one is ok ,figure i will need about 6.

I have built the construction crane and glued it to the rotating platter from my last video,and also modified a party beacon to be smaller and yellow ,this works ok ,which is not bad ,for e2.

I put a first version of the piece together to show the lecturers,with 4 monitors and a video frame,and my 37 inch telly,its interesting seeing all of the vids playing at once,although the main screen was only standard def.

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