I've built a bigger frame this time ,and wired up a grid with garden wire.This wire is connected to the negative of the 12v battery,and a connecting wire links up the red side of the leds.
I 've tries using black paint to vary the sizes of the light,like real stars would be ,this is sort of working.
unlit lighting grid
I have wired 35 3mm leds to the battery,but need about as much again to populate the sky with points of light.All the other lights,like the names and arrows will be connected to another battery. I'm meandering through this one as it takes time to build the elements and see how they look.I'll continue with the original plan,to shoot the grids outdoors against the sea/land and sky,although they will be visible,but i like that.
I will try to add abstract elements to this work as I go along , objects and effects ,and see where it goes to.perhaps the final pieces will be moving things ,or videos,
My tiny 12 v leds are here next week.I'm reading a star finding guide as reference,but ultimately don't want to just replicate the diagrams in it
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