Continuing with this project I have built a few more laser cut lightboxes,various astronomical names and greek letters ,in different sizes as I'm not really sure about the scale of the 'final' pieces,I think they will be larger than the first ones,as pulling the camera back from them made a lot of unwanted wires invisible to the lens. The original intention was to shoot the grid against a real sky and sea at dusk
shooting from a distance is going to need a bigger grid |
I received a blue LED strip at last,with the intended effect of creating a false dawn or evening sky .I also have 3mm white leds instead of 5mm, and a bunch of tiny 12v leds on the way,all these should give the impression of different size and magnitude stars in the sky. Im also building more EL wire 'straighteners', strips of light ply that straighten the wire out.
constellation map of northern stars
The last thing is a new wire grid, more even than the last one ,and wider too.
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